Expert Opinion
Bob Barton has worked widely as a consultant in the field of adventure activities and has provided expert advice to organisations such as the Outward Bound Trust and the Scottish Government.
He has been providing expert witness reports and evidence across the field. He has prepared more than 80 reports and has given expert evidence in criminal, coroner’s and civil courts including the Royal Courts of Justice, the London Civil Court and the Court of Session in Edinburgh.
Some of the cases in which he has given evidence include:
Accidents in high mountain terrain
Injuries arising from rock fall, mountain biking and gorge-scrambling
Avalanche accidents in mountaineering and skiing
Falls from crags and steep ground in hillwalking, rock climbing and mountaineering
The majority of his cases have arisen from incidents in the United Kingdom and Ireland but he has also reported on cases in the Alps, North America and elsewhere. He has completed site visits across the UK and in the Alps.
Bob’s expertise rests on a foundation of extensive personal experience in a range of adventure activities. He has been a mountaineer of note, with many first ascents but has also sailed, skied and mountain biked extensively and to a high level.
He chaired the UK Mountain Training Board , was a mountain rescue team leader and is a former Principal of Outward Bound Eskdale where he was responsible for a large staff and the widest range of adventure activities from ropes courses to multi-day unaccompanied journeys.
His evidence is valued because he combines the skills of analysis from his Natural Sciences degree at the University of Cambridge with an ability to express himself clearly in the written and spoken word.
He has worked as an instructor, has run his own business as an International Mountain Guide and has held senior managerial positions in the charity, public service and commercial sectors. He is a Director of Adventure Activity Associates Ltd.